Summit Health Cares

Episode 83 - Summit Health Cares - Food is Your Friend - Becky Moffat



In this episode Birdman chats with Becky Moffat, Registered Dietician Nutritionist with Summit Healthcare about the nutrition component to the 30 Days Wellness Program. Video @   Food is Your Friend - Having a positive relationship with food. Book: Mindfull Vegan Meals, Food is Your Friend by Maria Koutsogiannis.   *Food is Your Friend Info Talks with Becky Moffatt March 27, from 2-3 p.m. at Open Spaces Yoga Center   Summit Healthcare and Open Spaces Yoga Center have partnered up together to provide free Programs about Self Care- classes focusing on nutrition and mindfulness practices. These classes are not only for patients, but for employees too.   For questions or more information, call Lauren (OSYC) at 928-367-4636 or Ivy Loney (SH) at 928-242-6902.