Summit Health Cares

Episode 82 - Summit Health Cares - Open Spaces Yoga Center - Mindfulness - Ken Hosie



In this episode Birdman chats with Ken Hosie about the Mindfulness Program. Video @   Summit Healthcare and Open Spaces Yoga Center have partnered up together to provide free Programs about Self Care- classes focusing on nutrition and mindfulness practices. These classes are not only for patients, but for employees too. "Mindfulness is paying attention on purpose."   Summit Healthcare (SH) and Open Spaces Yoga Center (OSYC) are co-sponsoring a three-month long program helping participants create optimum self-care and lifestyle habits. From Feb. 15 through April 15, residents and visitors alike can participate in over 15 free health-oriented classes that encourage use of beneficial physical and mental health choices. The following classes are scheduled: Sleep Well: The Gentle Art of Gaining Rest with Ivy Loney Tuesday, March 19, from 12:15-12:45 p.m. at SH conference room 4  Tuesday, March 12, and Tuesday, April 2, from 12:15-12:45 p.m. at OSYC. Being Mindful: Finding Pea