Success Road: Inspiration For Your Journey

433: Inspiration to Write a Children’s Book



Lori Olinsky is the author of children’s books such as (Being Small (Isn’t So Bad After All)) and (The Toothfairy’s Tummy Ache). In this episode, she shares the catalyst for her becoming an author and what it is has been like writing several books.  Inspiration to Write a Children’s BookLori always wanted to write a children's book, but she never had the inspiration to do so. She shared that she remembered sitting at coffee shops and just trying to think of a subject and nothing ever hit her. One day when Lori’s daughter was three years old, she came home from school crying. And it turns out, her preschool teachers were redecorating the classroom, and they hung a growth chart in the classroom.  Her daughter was the shortest in the class, all her friends were at the top and the middle of the chart, and she was all the way at the bottom