Success Road: Inspiration For Your Journey

418: How to Use Personality Test Results to Actually Help You



Do you enjoy taking personality tests? I do. I love the helpful insights they provide.  On today’s podcast, we have coach and speaker Kelly Knowles sharing how to understand the Color Code personality test.  The Color Code was developed by a psychiatrist named Taylor Hartman. Hartman created the Color Code as a way to help his patients get better, faster. One key differentiator with this test is that it delves down into what is your driving core motive. And this driving core motive is something that you were born with, this is your natural state. It is what drives you in your most authentic self.    A Summary Of The Color Code There are four colors: red, white, blue, and yellow. For reds, their driving core motive is power or doing things. For whites, the driving core motive is peace. They're all about maintaining a steady state, because they want to stay in a state of peace.  For individuals who are yellow, their driving core motive is fun. They are optimistic, energetic, and they have a really fun spir