Success Road: Inspiration For Your Journey

408: The Intersections of Life



We’ve all read different self-help or productivity books, and there are many that talk about a narrow section of a particular topic. I mentioned this as I started this season, and I’m interested in exploring what it could look like to take several of these books and start to put the concepts together to get a more broad view of the topic. Now, there are many reviews and summaries available that cover the topics, but I’d like to start exploring how these different books intersect - how they fit together, like a puzzle. I haven’t really started delving into this yet, but I’d like to share how I hope to approach this, and then probably start rolling through this over the upcoming months. Here are some of the books I have in mind (and a little about each one): The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan What is the one thing I can do such that doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary? Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Le
