Success Road: Inspiration For Your Journey

406: Music as Self-help



As we explore many areas relating to self-development and self-care, the topics I’m trying to focus most on relate to building habits, productivity, and health. While there is some strategy involved, these are things that can be more related to tactics - specific things to do or not do. There are other things that are more like glue, holding everything together. One of those things is music. A lot of people listen to and enjoy music, but the truth is that most people don’t really think about how the music is affecting them. So, today, I have Bill Protzman here today to talk about music, specifically in relation to self-care and self-development. Bill opens by saying that going without music is like going without food. He speaks about feeling suicidal, and how listening to music uncovered wells of emotion. Bill talks about how many music therapists are formally trained in the nature of the therapeutic relationship. In “vocal psychotherapy,” a therapist helps you unlock things through playing musical instrum