Success Road: Inspiration For Your Journey

108: Reaching Your Potential



My name is Joshua Rivers, and this is the eighth episode, and we’ve been able to have some incredible episodes so far. I am so excited about the possibilities in the future as well. Last week, I was able to speak with Chris LoCurto about preparing to attend an event or conference. He has worked with Dave Ramsey’s team for over 12 years, and has put together and spoken at dozens, or even hundreds of events. He shared some fantastic advice. I have shared a few other resources to help prepare for events. I also promised a list of action items that I planned on sharing just on the blog last week, but I decided to share them on the podcast as well. I’ll share them in just a minute.   Nothing Undone Lessons: First, I’ll be doing a little recap and then I’ll be sharing some things about reaching for our potential. This is part of the little series I started in the first episode based out of Joshua 11:15, where it says about Joshua that “he left nothing undone.” I shared some things about priorities, purpose, pri