Work-at-home Heroes

From Traditional 9-5 to Virtual Supporter and Collaborator



What if your mindset is holding you back? Bobbi Jo explains the mindset shift that needed to happen for her to transition into a Work At Home lifestyle. People still believe that everyone needs to go to college to get a good job. When you start to make money online, you realize that you don’t have to stay stuck in a job that you don’t love. There is no reason you can’t change your mind at any point in your life. Now, Bobbi gets to stay home while providing her content writing, email management, proofreading, and email marketing services. Everyone can work from home! You do everything else on the internet; you can work on the internet too.  In This Episode: [03:45] The mindset shift that needs to take place to transition into a Work At Home lifestyle.    [12:40] Common mistakes people make when thinking about working at home.   [16:05] Why you need to stop putting other people’s needs ahead of your own.   [21:30] About Bobbi’s vision for her career and Work At Home lifestyle.   Key Takeaways: The only tool