Ghost Magnet With Bridget Marquardt

Mark L. Marinaccio and the World's Biggest Ghost Hunt



Meet producer Mark Marinaccio. You may not know his name, but you know his work on such hit shows as Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International, Cursed, Dead Files and soon The World’s Greatest Ghost Hunt coming soon to A&E. With hundreds of hours of paranormal tv and investigations, Mark can tell you the REAL haunts. From ghostly apparitions growing up, to exploring the depths of the Penhurst Asylum for his new series “The World’s Biggest Ghost Hunt” and creepy experiences at the Stanley Hotel, join Bridget as we find out what REALLY haunts this experienced producer. This episode is sponsored by, the easy and reliable way to find care for everyone in the family—when and where you need it. With access to 8.6 million caregivers across 16 countries, you’re sure to find the local caregivers you need, including nannies, sitters, housekeepers, senior care, dog walkers and more—full-time, part-time, anytime.  To save 30% off a Premium membership, visit when you subscribe.  B