Work Hugs

Episode 8: Punk Rock HR - Tech, Tatts and Tabloids



  In episode 8, we interview Heather Neisen, HR Manager at TechnologyAdvice, a tech marketing firm in Nashville.  We interviewed Heather at PodCamp Nashville, and talked about the role of smart HR, her transition into the HR field, and networking.  We also touch on another fun event –WordCamp Nashville-- where Heather and we caught some good nuggets from speaker Kate O’Neill.  For HR Pop Culture, we go to online tabloid Gawker to review a recent well-publicized job search email whoopsie from an AP editor. For current events, we discuss a recent research article from Intuit and Emergent Research about the rising trend of a contingent work force, and what we all can do to adjust for this ongoing change in the labor market.  Finally, in That’s Dumb with Kristin, we talk about dress codes, and why tattoos and piercing can be perfectly professional, thank you very much.   As noted in the episode, some good HR legal blogs, and other links from the episode:   kingballow