She's Got Drive: Black Women Talk About Success And How They Achieved It.

Episode 89: Patrice says she aims for "harmony verses balance"in her life



On this weeks episode we have Patrice Washington in the guest chair. This is part 2, so if you haven't listened to part 1 Episode 88 remember to go back to listen to that one. Patrice is the Wisdom & Wealth Money Maven, Founder and CEO of Seek Wisdom Find Wealth, a personal finance training and development firm focused on moving you from debt management to money mastery. She is committed to redefining wealth for our generation. She is all about chasing purpose not money.  Patrice is no.1 best-selling author - Real Money Answers, and a captivating speaker . She has been the personal finance expert of  Steve Harvey’s radio and television shows since 2014, and has  been featured in hundreds of publications including the New York Post, Cosmopolitan, and Essence Magazine. It's a fabulous interview.  You are invited to My FREE Master Class - please grab a seat - link below. I want to personally invite you to my Free masterclass - the 3 Mindset Shifts you can Make to Work on your Dream Life in 2020 and beyon