She's Got Drive: Black Women Talk About Success And How They Achieved It.

Episode 81: Choose people who will lift you Up - Getting Support on your Goals



This week on the show we talk about Accountability Partnership as a structure to support us on the things that we care about and the goals that we have.  These can be either work goals or more general life goals.  AP's are a way to ensure that you stay on track and in action.  I talk with my own accountability partner Martine Severin, a Chicago and LA based fashion and lifestyle photographer where we share what we are getting from our partnership, why we decided to start working together in this way and what are the best practices to ensure that both of us are getting the most out of it. Where you can find Martine:  INSTAGRAM: Mentioned in the show  If you want a guide on how to have a great accountability partnership  your checklist is right here. Go to When we want to believe in ourselves and create the life we want we sometimes need a guide.  I have created this 4 Step Goal Keeper for y