Minister's Toolbox

EP 53: How To Write Your Book Without Spending A Dime



You have more material than most professional authors. You spend multiple hours per week writing sermons to bless your congregations. Each sermon is potentially a chapter for one or more books. You can write, design and publish a book in a matter of days with the simple tools of today’s technology. During today's podcast I share the simple steps you can take to publish it at little or no cost. Thousands of new authors give up after receiving a boatload of rejection letters. With Amazon, those days are gone. You can write your book in Microsoft Word and download it to Amazon. In moments, you will have a formatted book ready to publish. In addition to a paperback and Kindle, you can also create an audiobook for free as well.  Since we are talking today about writing books, I would be remiss to not mention my first book entitled, When A Good Church Goes Bad. It contains both my testimony and help for anyone who has been hurt by their church experience. It is a great book for people in your church who have taken
