Dice Tower Deluxe

Episode #121: Top 10 Games That Take an Hour or Less



In this episode, we discuss feedback for the show, and announce the winners for our Warriors of God contest! Giles talks about recent games played; Moritz discusses loud games, Snoop talks about thrift store adventures, and Paul talks about visiting real battlefields. We discuss Risk: Black Ops, and talk about our top ten games that take between thirty minutes and an hour. The Dice Tower Episode 121 Top 10 games that take an hour or less www.thedicetower.com question and comments to... www.thedicetower@gmail.com join the guild at... www.boardgamegeek.com HOST: The celebrated masters of prestidigitation!!! Tom Vasel Samuel Healey SHOW HOST: Funagain Games www.funagain.com SHOW SPONSORS: Your Move Games www.yourmovegames.com Moritz Eggert: Discussion on loud and silent gaming Reviews/Discussions: Risk: Black Ops No Thanks! Stephen Glenn (Snoop): Thrift store adventures!!! CONTEST: (Tom and Sam discuss the survey results) Warriors of God by Multi-Man Publishing http://www.multimanpublishing.com/index1.php BGG -
