Changing The Mirror - The Devotional

Episode 028_Because I Am In Christ I Am Different



In the world we have a sense that we must take care of ourselves - because no-one else is looking out for us.  While that may be true in the world, it doesn't have to be. God promises us that in Him, we have everything we need to live, and to live Godly lives that please Him (2 Peter 1:3). AND He also promises that no matter what we go through, He will take care of us completely, protect us, and be with us at all times.  In Christ, we're not just happy-go-lucky. We're not optimistic. WE HAVE FAITH IN A GOD WHO'S FAITHFUL. And that faith and security will make us look really strange to people around us! In this series we will look at how, in Christ, we are able to live completely counter-culture and yet survive, thrive and please God as Jesus did.
