Evolve The Law Podcast - A Catalyst For Legal Innovation

Talitha Gray - LAWCLERK - Episode 134



Talitha is a powerhouse corporate bankruptcy attorney and the Founder and COO of LAWCLERK. LAWCLERK is a web-based marketplace where solo attorneys and law firms can expand their practices and profits by discretely outsourcing projects to qualified freelance lawyers of all levels of experience and expertise.  Links and Resources from this Episode For additional information go to https://abovethelaw.com/legal-innovation-center https://www.linkedin.com/in/talitha-gray-kozlowski-704ba0109/ https://www.lawclerk.legal/   Review and Subscribe If you like what you hear please leave a review by clicking here Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite player to get the latest episodes. Subscribe with Apple Podcasts Follow on Spotify Subscribe with Stitcher