Evolve The Law Podcast - A Catalyst For Legal Innovation

Evolve Law Summit 2018: Anva - Episode 114



Brian Morgan, Founder of Anva sits down and talks with Ian Connett and Dan Lear at the Evolve Law Summit 2018 Podcast Series Series!  This is one of a series of live shows recorded at this year’s Evolve Law Summit in Chicago with Contributing Editor Ian Connett (@QuantumJurist) and Dan Lear of Right Brain Law.   For the latest topics, trends and tech in the legal industry, subscribe to the Evolve Law Podcast: A Catalyst for Legal Innovation. Listen as legal experts and leaders share insights about the legal industry. For more information, questions, or suggestions about our podcast feel free to tweet Ian Connett at https://twitter.com/QuantumJurist   Links and Resources from this Episode For additional information go to https://abovethelaw.com/legal-innovation-center http://anva.com   Show Notes Niche market of HOA law and how ANVA software helps Types of issues that arise in HOA law How ANVA tackles “form driven” tasks in HOA law What “ANVA” stands for – moving forward! Brian Morgan’s first experience wi