Evolve The Law Podcast - A Catalyst For Legal Innovation

Preethy Prakash - eBrevia - Episode 105



Preethy Prakash, Director of Account Management and Corporate Counsel at eBrevia talks with Ian Connett. They discuss how their artificial intelligence makes contract review more accurate, efficient and cost effective.   For the latest topics, trends and tech in the legal industry, subscribe to the Evolve Law Podcast: A Catalyst for Legal Innovation. Listen as legal experts and leaders share insights about the legal industry. For more information, questions, or suggestions about our podcast feel free to email us at info@evolvelawnow.com   Links and Resources from this Episode For additional information of this episode go to evolvelawnow.com/show https://ebrevia.com https://www.linkedin.com/company/ebrevia https://twitter.com/eBrevia http://www.facebook.com/ebrevia   Evolve your legal practice with technology Access the Legal Tech Toolkit   Show Notes How eBrevia was founded - 1:24 eBrevia can make the contract accuracy review 10% more accurate than a manual review - 3:44 How bespoke works and how cli