Evolve The Law Podcast - A Catalyst For Legal Innovation

Vincent Brault - Anaqua - Episode 103



Vincent Brault is the Senior Vice President of Anaqua and talks with Ian Connett in this member spotlight. Find out more about what Anaqua does and hear his thoughts as a legaltech veteran and what the future might hold. For the latest topics, trends and tech in the legal industry, subscribe to the Evolve Law Podcast: A Catalyst for Legal Innovation. Listen as legal experts and leaders share insights about the legal industry. For more information, questions, or suggestions about our podcast feel free to email us at info@evolvelawnow.com Links and Resources from this Episode For additional information of this episode go to evolvelawnow.com/show Connect with Vincent http://www.anaqua.com http://www.anaqua.com/about-us/management-team https://www.linkedin.com/in/vincent-brault-0630641 https://quantumjurist.com/blog/2017/10/19/the-arrival-yyay4 https://quantumjurist.com/blog/2017/8/26/book-review-deep-thinking-by-garry-kasparov Evolve your legal practice with technology Access the Legal Tech Toolkit