Evolve The Law Podcast - A Catalyst For Legal Innovation

Stephanie Corey - UpLevel Ops - Legal Luminary 19



Stephanie Corey is the Co-Founder of UpLevel Ops. In this Legal Luminary episode she shares her thoughts on where innovations in legal tech are moving and the disruptions taking place. For the latest topics, trends and tech in the legal industry, subscribe to Evolve Law Podcast: A Catalyst for Legal Innovation. Listen as legal experts and leaders share insights about the legal industry. For more information, questions, or suggestions about our podcast feel free to email us at info@evolvelawnow.com Links and Resources from this Episode https://uplevelops.com Connect with Stephanie LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephcorey-ulo Twitter https://twitter.com/StephanieACorey https://highperformancecounsel.com/about-us/advisory-board-17 Evolve your legal practice with technology Access the Legal Tech Toolkit Show Notes Stephanie’s background in the legal industry - 0:35 What makes you a legal tech expert? - 3:35 Why should people care about legal tech? - 5:33 Why are you involved with Evolve Law?