Evolve The Law Podcast - A Catalyst For Legal Innovation

Block-Chain Technology and the Internet of Things - Darwin 02



Summary If you’re interested in sprinkler heads that can order their own replacement parts, blinds that shut themselves off, refrigerators that can remind you to buy more milk, mirrors that can tell you to remember your raincoat, and more - this episode is for you! Today Lance Koonce, partner at Intellectual Property and Tech with Davis Wright Tremaine LLP in New York and the co-chair of the New York County Lawyer’s Association Law & Technology Committee is a special guest on our show! He sits down to talk with us about block-chain technology and the internet of things. He explains what the term “internet of things” actually means, what block-chain technology is, and why it’s important. Finally, he explains how block-chain technology and the internet of things might come together and change our world. For the latest topics, trends and tech in the legal industry, subscribe to Evolve Law Podcast: A Catalyst for Legal Innovation. Listen as legal experts and leaders share insights about the legal industry.