Smarter Event Planning

He's A World Traveler And Author With A Passion For Community And Startups - Andrew Hyde



SMARTER EVENT PLANNING: A vagabond and a minimalist that sold everything but 15 things and went on a big trip (82 countries). He founded Startup Weekend, three other startups and was employee #1 Techstars. With roots in freelancing and design, he can hold a conversation about best interface practices as well as how to build cabins with hand tools. He is also a marathoner, Ironman competitor, blogger and event organizer. He started Ignite Boulder, TEDxBoulder, Startup Weekend, Startup Week as well as many smaller events. Most recently he wrote a book named This Book is About Travel which reached the #1 sales slot for iBooks and Amazon’s travel sections. He is a co owner of his favorite cafe in the world in Trident Booksellers and Cafe in Boulder, Colorado. He is the director of, a 501c3 nonprofit that throws some amazing community events. His work has been featured in the NYTimes, NBC World News, Washington Post, Boing Boing, Boston Globe, INC, Entrepreneur, Daily Mail, The Australian, Yahoo! and th
