Her Story Of Success

Creating Work-Life Blend: Courtney Jones



As a mom of two kids, Courtney Jones started MomSource Network to help other women find opportunities she felt like she didn’t have when her son was born. Courtney is passionate about helping other women find a healthy work-life blend, and she knows that looks different for everyone. Whether you’re planning to become moms, looking to shift your work schedules to spend time with your kids or want help re-entering the workforce after a career break, MomSource Network helps women find flexible work options that fit with their schedules and their personal ideas of fulfillment. Since its launch in 2013, MomSource Network has grown to include 10,000 women in 48 states. The company also partners with progressive organizations who want to find the best talent and helps them to create flexible work options for potential employees. Because of her work, Courtney has been featured by CNN, Bloomberg, Working Mother and more. In this episode: In this episode, Courtney explains how she recognized the amount of talent that