Not Another Fake Newscast

NAFNC Ep 0 - Bonus Pilot episode



Almost exactly a year ago Paul and Gerry finally decided they were going to record their new podcast idea.  The Pilot was recorded on the 7th of February 2017, we had no idea what we were doing, we had one mic between us, we put together the premise of the podcast and recorded around an hour of chat.  As we step into the new year, Paul was working on cleaning up the sound of the episode and decided its as clean as he can get it so we decided we should let you all hear it as a thank you to all our faithful listeners. The sound is not always perfect or clean, we have included the intro, the information was what was available at the time, some things we were on the ball with, some things not so much This is how it all began we would like to say a huge thank you, some people heard this to let us know what they thought about it. Kev who wrote our theme tune can be found here - he has helped us with input along the way as is one of the greatest.  JJ, Campbell have
