Theology Shorts

008 Andrew I. Shepardson - Natural Theology



In this episode, I speak with Andrew Shepardson, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Denver Seminary and Life Pacific College and co-pastor of Hope Denver Church. We discuss his recent book, Who's Afraid of the Unmoved Mover?: Postmodernism and Natural Theology (Pickwick, 2019).  Ike recommends a few secondary sources: Carl F.H. Henry. God, Revelation, and Authority. 6 volumes. Word, 1976–1983. Francis Schaeffer. The God Who Is There. InterVarsity Press, 1969. Doug Groothuis. Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Christian Faith. IVP Academic, 2011. Doug Groothuis. Truth Decay: Defending Christianity Against the Challenges of Postmodernism. InterVarsity Press, 2000.