Theology Shorts

001 Stephen Lawson - Erik Peterson



This episode, Stephen Lawson, a PhD Candidate in Historical Theology at St Louis University, joins me on the podcast to discuss his work on Erik Peterson. Michael Hollerich wrote two essays that engage Erik Peterson that have been published in Pro Ecclesia: "Retrieving a Neglected Critique of Church, Theology and Secularization in Weimar Germany." Pro Ecclesia 2, no 3 (Summer 1993): 305-332. "The Antisecular Front Revised: Reflections on Catholics and Politics in Hitler's Germany." Pro Ecclesia 16, no 2 (Spring 2007): 141-164. Hollerich also translated the Peterson dialogue with Adolf von Harnack for Pro Ecclesia, which can be found in 2, no 3 (Summer 1993): 333-334. The book by Peterson that Stephen mentions is: Peterson, Erik. Theological Tractates. Trans. Michael Hollerich. Cultural Memory in the Present. Stanford University Press, 2011.