Your Next Shift: A Nursing Career Podcast

EPS 197: April Koenig



Is it time for a nursing career shift? Are you feeling stuck by the medical model that most nurses practice in? Well, this next guest decided to stop complaining and start taking action. With one step at a time, our podcast guest is planting the seeds to make her nursing career bloom. Holistic nurse, homeschooling mom, and moon lover gone hippie farmer, community organizer, economic developer- April left traditional nursing to help run a nonprofit with a mission to create a sustainable food system in central Appalachia. And now feels like she is doing way more nursing than ever before. A few take aways from our interview with April Koenig, RN include: How being a solution seeker is the way to stick with nursing practice; What focusing on yourself first can do for nursing career success; And why you don’t have to stay boxed in as a nurse! Join the inspiring & upbeat community of supportive nurses: Your Next Shift! Read along and take notes with your very own copy of Your Next Shift