Your Next Shift: A Nursing Career Podcast

EPS 195: Catie Harris



Nurses, how do you make shifts in your nursing career? Is it something that is intentional for you or do you just jump to the next thing that presents itself? This next guest discusses the process of being intentional with goal setting and outlines the benefits we can enjoy from operating in this way. Catie Harris, PhD, MBA, RN is the founder of NursePreneurs, a business coaching program for nurses who want to start a profitable nurse business.  Catie also hosts the popular podcast The NursePreneur Podcast, curating top NursePreneurs and inspiring business ideas for nurses.  Catie has been featured on major international TV, radio and podcasts. A few take aways from our interview with Catie Harris, PhD, MBA, RN include: How having a dream one night can turn you into a nurse; What failing at a larger goal can teach you about achieving accomplishments; And why finding a mentor can be challenging, but very much worth it! Join the inspiring & upbeat community of supportive nurses: Your Next Shift! Read alon