Your Next Shift: A Nursing Career Podcast

EPS 160: Jalma Marcus



Jalma Marcus RN, BS, MS, HNB, BC, CBP, AT, CLSEF is an author, speaker, and educator. Jalma is certified as a Holistic Nurse, BodyTalk Practitioner and Instructor, Parent and Life Style Educator, Accunect Practitioner and Instructor. She is the founder and Board Emeritus of Pa BodyTalk Center and Mid Atlantic Body Talk Association. Jalma presently serves on the board of the American Holistic Nurses Association. She is the author of the 4C’s Alignment System, a Quantum Energy System Nursing model for co creating organizational and individual health. A few take aways from our interview with Jalma Marcus RN, BS, MS, HNB, BC, CBP, AT, CLSEF include: How the things that other people see in you can be clues for nursing success; What asking for help can do for your growth and development; And why blending nursing work with non-nursing roles can lead to professional joy! We need your feedback! Tell us what you think of the podcast: Join the inspiring & upbeat communi