Your Next Shift: A Nursing Career Podcast

EPS 142: Rachel ChinQuee



Nurses, who is looking to leave the bedside? This next guest has done just that and, in fact, quite early in her nursing career. Tune in to hear, not only the challenges, but many of the triumphs of working from home. Rachel ChinQuee MSN, RN is a Registered Nurse with a master’s in nursing, specializing in healthcare leadership. She has a strong clinical background from the emergency to intensive care units, and now works as a contract consultant and nurse mentor. Rachel is currently seeking a master’s in business administration and volunteers with EmpowerWork in her free time. A few take aways from our interview with Rachel ChinQuee MSN, RN include: How a positive attitude goes a very long way; What finding that ideal job can do for the goals you set for yourself; And why every single nurse can find that job they fit right into! Join the inspiring & upbeat community of supportive nurses: Your Next Shift! Read along and take notes with your very own copy of Your Next Shift.