Your Next Shift: A Nursing Career Podcast

EPS 141: Anna Rodriguez



Nurses, a nursing topic near and dear to my heart. Today’s guest is another awesome nurse focused on supporting nurses through nursing burnout. What was fun about this program is the practical strategies and thoughtful advice that was shared. You don’t want to miss this interview! Anna Rodriguez BSN RN, CCRN, PCCN is a critical care nurse in her 10th year of nursing. While working as a nurse manager, she witnessed her staff struggle with burnout and went through burnout herself. She recently launched The Burnout Book, a website devoted to reducing nurse burnout and promoting resilience. A few take aways from our interview with Anna Rodriguez BSN RN, CCRN, PCCN include: How a dream of playing with kids all day led to a nursing career; What driving the train can do for your nursing success; And why embracing change is the best way to beat nursing burnout! Join the inspiring & upbeat community of supportive nurses: Your Next Shift! Read along and take notes with your very own copy of Your Next Shift.