Your Next Shift: A Nursing Career Podcast

Nurse Burnout Statistics: Can We Measure and Evaluate It?



The State of the Science While there is a lot of evidence related to physician burnout (e.g. the prevalence, rates, and consequences of), this is not the case in the nursing literature. Not that there are no articles related to nursing burnout. Trust me, there are many. But the issue relates more to the fact that the science does not tell us one story. In fact, the numbers are all over the place! Don’t believe me? Head over to PubMed or your favorite scholarly search engine and type in the term “nurse burnout prevalence” and see what you find. In one of my recent keynote talks, here are the studies I have on my prevalence slide: Oncology Nurses 21.5 % (Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 2010) Nurses in England 42% (BMC Nursing, 2011) ICU Nurses in Portugal 31% (BMC Anesthesiology, 2013) NICU Nurses 25.9% (BMJ Quality & Safety, 2014) Nurses in Mainland China 34.9% (Nursing & Health Sciences, 2015) Emergency Nurses 26% (International Journal of Nursing Studies, 2015) Nursing Homes in France 40% (Jou