Way We Work Podcast with Brendon Schrader

Diane Mulcahy on Navigating the Gig Economy



Have you considered entering the gig economy? A new world of work often described as a work life that is filled with freedom, flexibly and happiness. Although this may be true, striking out on your own and sustaining this type of career forces us to develop new skills and attitudes that are different from those we have used in traditional careers. My guest Diane Mulcahy created the first college course on the Gig Economy. The course gained immediate traction and was named by Forbes as one of the Top Ten Most Innovative Business School Courses in the country. Out of that course grew a best selling book called The Gig Economy: The Complete Guide to Getting Better Work, Taking More Time Off and Financing the Life You Want. In this episode Diane describes the emergence of the “new” American dream, how to create your own security by cultivating multiple sources of income, and the exact steps you can take, while you are employed, to prepare and plan a career inside the gig economy. Take a listen to my conversation