The Betrayed, The Addicted, The Expert

THIS IS ASHLYNN: Self Care for Kids with my Daughter Ellie Mitchell



Ellie is my youngest of two daughters.  She is my fiery redhead who teaches me to have more empathy, more love & how to do my makeup! She is would take over this podcast if I let her, so we may have more Ellie in our future. Ashlynn Mitchell kicks divorce & betrayal in the teeth. With her real world example of what’s possible after betrayal & how to live boldly with compassion & forgiveness while being boundaried & free from the past. She is an advocate for women who want to live a life full of adventure & freedom. Come listen to her perspectives while she has conversations with those she loves & respects who share their #bethebuffalo moments that may just help you shift your own journey in a beautiful way. Join her on her new podcast HERE Follow her on social media at HERE Mentor with her at HERE When we started this journey we had no idea, where it would lead.  Although we have never taken a stand as to what should happen with a relationship after infidelity, we have strived to