First Draft With Sarah Enni

Ep 95: Courtney Summers



Courtney Summers - author of SOME GIRLS ARE, CRACKED UP TO BE, ALL THE RAGE, and more - breaks down getting published with her spite novel, consistently wanting it all, writing a book that fits around a feeling, and never really moving on from her books.   Courtney Summers Show Notes YALLFEST Archie comics The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch YALLWEST The Babysitter’s Club by Ann M. Martin Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews She’s All That (movie) “Right About Now” by Fatboy Slim Competency Quadrant (Four Stages of Competency) The Chocolate War by Robert Cromier Flannery O’Connor Left 4 Dead (video game) Night of the Living Dead (movie) The Passage by Justin Cronin World War Z (movie) Shaun of the Dead (movie) The Walking Dead (TV show) Wednesday Books St. Martin’s Press The OA (Netflix series) Alan Wake (video game) Twin Peaks Stephen King Star Trek Beyond (movie) How Did This Get Made (podcast) Twilight by Stephenie Meyer Harvard Business Journal, “Who’s Got the Monkey?”