First Draft With Sarah Enni

Special Episode with Sara of Adventures in YA



A special co-episode with Sara from Adventures in YA where we talk about the podcasting process. Sara and I discuss our equipment, software, workflow, and promo processes, and touch a bit on feeling like we’re shouting into the void, and also tips for moderating at book festivals and other events.   Adventures in Podcasting Show Notes Adventures in YA Sara  Kristin Treviño The North Texas Teen Book Festival #TryPod Adventures with Words (podcast) Kate and Rob's off-shoot British YA show (podcast) Man Booker Prize Fresh Air with Terry Gross You Made It Weird WTF with Marc Maron This Creative Life with Sara Zarr Behringer Q1202USB 12-Channel Mixer Behringer Microamp Ha400 Ultra-Compact 4-Channel Stereo Headphone Amplifier Audio-Technica ATR2100-USB Cardioid Dynamic USB/XLR Microphone BEHRINGER U-CONTROL UCA202 How to Start a Podcast – A Step-By-Step Podcasting Tutorial Libsyn Auphonic Levelator Audacity Interview with NPR’s chief sound engineer Podcast Movement Adobe Audition sound system Zoom H2N Zoom H4N