Kinky And Curious - Bs'ing With Barak & Sheba

KaC038 - BS'ing about 50 Shades



It’s the middle of summer and we are all kinds of slap happy from all the COPE preparations. We have so much going on in August, from Motorcycle Rides to Meetings and Gatherings. In this episode we don’t cover anything! We talk about Hashtags, Douchbags and Doo-rags. We talk about the tidal wave of 50 Shades, how it is a frame of reference, and what is the community doing about it? So join us for some fun, some weird, wacky and kinky silliness! Plus, on this month’s Kinky & Curious Podcast – BSing with Barak & Shebawe talk about what is going on with AIS, and instead of answering questions we BS through the entire podcast. We chat about these fine subjects - 1. Why can’t E.L James say, “Cunt” or “Pussy” in the series? 2. Is it a Tsunami? A Tidal Wave? The Storm of the Century? Or just another Smut movie that will be forgotten about after a year? 3. Remembering AIS Event Bloopers - We also talk about Movies with everything but the sex, taken in hand, and all that! What ever happened to the Leather Cand