Kinky And Curious - Bs'ing With Barak & Sheba

KaC032 - BS'ing with a Staff



It's the first Monday of the February, and you know what that means!  It's time for another episode of BSing with Barak & Sheba!  Yes, even with Winter Wickedness at the end of the week, we still took a moment to get in some BSing.   On this month’s BS'ing  we combined two things at once!  We were doing the final set up and walk through of the Wicked Event Hotel with the AIS Crew - so we brought em in for the podcast!   Join us as we answer these Kinky Questions  - 1. What should someone expect at Wicked? 2. Who's at "fault" when an S-Type tells a D-type they don't hit hard enough - then next time, they do!   We also talk about enjoying time at Sexapalooza; Presenting out at PRS Akron; How Sheba keeps Barak's ego in check; What Tiffy & Amanda have in store with the TNG; How Spankyrae might check out a class on How to fight with her owners;  Sheba's plans for costume changes; and how Peach & Trxz are planning on battening down the hatches!  Listen in for these things and more!   Check it out and le
