Movie Improvie

Episode 6: Arm & Hammer Presents: Arm and Hammer, the Armie Cloverfield Hammer Story (Based on the real life of Armie Hammer)



*deep breath* Hooooo jeez o' peets guys. Just a fair warning, this episode is our biggest, hottest pot of nonsense that we have ever put on the internets. So we watched The Cloverfield Paradox, which is a movie some people probably made and were in, (we've already forgotten) and, like an alchemist trying to make gold from lead, we accidentally bungled up our organs drinking mercury and we turned it into Arm & Hammer Presents: Arm and Hammer, the Armie Cloverfield Hammer Story, based on the real, actual, for sure happened life of Armie Hammer, who, as we all know, was born as just a single human arm and became an actor. We also say Laura Dern's name so much her ears are probably now actually on fire, and we fixed trailers for Death Wish, The Cage Fighter, Living Among Us, and 7 Guardians of the Tomb. Our sincere apologies to Armie Hammer.