
The Big Lie



Hey hey, hope you guys are doing well. It’s the week after Memorial Day and I’ve got something stirring that I want to explore with you today. This has been the product of a handful of really profound conversations, a few recent books, an “Awakening Session” with Michael Gungor, and a few what I guess you could call "mystical moments" during times of travel.    I’ve been a part of leadership in the Christian world for 17 years now… Starting back leading music for YoungLife when I was in high-school, then being involved in college ministries, then leading worship for two churches simultaneously, then joining full-time staff at Harbor 10 years ago (almost to the day). I saw on Facebook memories that May 27, 2009 I was posting about setting up my desk and stuff.    Again, I know I’ve said this on this podcast before, but not having been raised with a strict theology or doctrine or formal religion has actually been a blessing. I don’t carry as much baggage as some of my friends do, and it has allowed me to hold a