
Say Something



Hey friends, hope you’re doing well. The response to episode 30 “Coming out of the theological closet” has been extraordinary. I’ve actually already recorded a follow-up episode to that, specifically about our LGBT brothers and sisters, and clarifying some elements from Episode 30—but I have a meeting coming up next week with our elders about this topic, and I want to honor them and their pace. We’ve spent a lot of time talking about unity, and the primacy of it, which of course doesn’t mean to never speak up, but to do so in a way that brings as many people as possible along for the ride… not jerking the wheel and confusing people. SO > That episode will come out next week, and we’ll continue our conversation on LGBT inclusion in the church.    For today, I want to just share a word of encouragement. I’ve been learning a lot about leaders that have shared unpopular critiques to established cultures, and it’s been really, really inspiring. William Wilberforce speaking out against the European Slave trade, Abr