
What Do You Want?



It’s a powerful thing to be asked point blank: What is it that you want more than anything else in life? I’ve recently heard two separate spiritual teachers ask this same question, in slightly different ways, and then began reading a new book that emphasized Jesus asking this exact question in John 1:38: What do you want?    John the Baptist’s disciples started following Jesus, and when Jesus realizes he’s being followed, he turns around and asks, “What do you want?”    On first read, that can be a pretty blunt question, and it is… But I have to believe it wasn’t said in the way WE might say it if two strangers started following us. “What do you want?” “What are you looking for in life? What is it that your hearts are after?”    This is one of those questions that no one can avoid answering… Whether you realize it or not, whether it’s intentional or completely accidental, your life is oriented towards something. You’re already putting energy into some sort of idea or dream or vision of what an ideal future wo