
Turning a Cruise Ship



It’s hard to stomach how powerless we are over certain things. Racism; poverty; intolerance; inequality… And honestly, even the smallest things can be just as frustrating. Our children’s behavior; our personal finances; hell, even the laundry.  We are confronted (daily) with our inability to control significant parts of our lives. As a pastor, I spend time with people at all different stages of their lives. Some are older and more spiritually/emotionally mature, while some are older and substantially less mature. And the same is true for people younger than me. Some people develop personal discipline and rhythms that benefit them greatly, while some people lack basic boundaries that inevitably spread themselves too thin to do anything of significance. But most all of us carry one thing in common: We want to see change. We want to see change in ourselves, in our families, in our church communities, and in our world. But how?  How do we become prophets that stand up and speak out against the injustices? How c