And There You Have It!

Weaponized Smart Devices and the Internet of Things



Gartner predicts that through 2018, over 50 percent of Internet of Things (IoT) device manufacturers will not be able to address threats due to weak authentication practices. Millions of IoT devices — including everyday objects like routers, security cameras, DVRs, medical devices, cars and more — have already been infected with malware and repurposed as zombie armies by cyber attackers. As a result, the bandwidth of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks reached frightening levels in 2016, culminating with attacks of well over 600 Gbps. Until device makers require unique passwords by default, it is up to us to protect ourselves. In this episode, host Cherie Caswell Dost speaks with Bryan Fischer, senior director, Forsythe Security Professional Services, about the ever-changing security challenges of IoT devices, and how organizations can mitigate associated risks. Listen to the latest episode of And There You Have IT to learn: How IoT continues to change the threat landscape. The inherent and evolving