And There You Have It!

The General Data Protection Regulation is Changing IT Security: Are You Ready?



The passing of a new European Union (EU) data protection framework — the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) — is having a tremendous impact on enterprises that collect data on Europeans. The May 25, 2018 compliance deadline, which from an IT planning and management perspective is right around the corner, has U.S. organizations scrambling. According to PwC, 77 percent of U.S. multinational companies are planning to spend $1 million or more on GDPR readiness this year, and 68 percent are earmarking between $1 million and $10 million. Companies looking to maintain a European presence should assess their overall data protection capabilities to identify gaps and compliance risks. In this episode, host Cherie Caswell Dost speaks with Bryan Fischer, senior director, Forsythe Security Professional Services. Listen to the latest episode of And There You Have IT to learn: How businesses should respond to GDPR immediately and into the future. Why it’s critical to implement a data centric security strategy. How d