Youthpod Ireland

YouthPod Ireland Season 02 Episode 04 'Cocaine'



In this week's episode of YouthPod Ireland we are talking about cocaine. We explore attitudes to the drug, talk openly about our observations of its use and we reach out to our podcast community to fill in the blanks, as we examine the highly addictive and dangerous substance. Cocaine use is not restricted to any one group or demographic of people and we talk about how people get started, how people get addicted, what this addiction looks like and what are the implications of cocaine addiction. We really appreciate all of your feedback and we are happy to be further informed or corrected in any of the opinions or observations shared in this episode, which are all our own and not representative of any agencies or groups to which we are attached in our working remits in the youth sector. Get involved by emailing us at and please share, like, comment, tag and engage with us across all of our social media platforms! If you are affected by any of the content of this episode please connect with
