Friends Church Sermons

The Acts of the Apostles: "Scattering" for the Lord - Philip's Unhindered Obedience



The Acts of the Apostles series continues with Pastor Matt. This sermon was preached on September 22, 2019. Study Notes: "Whatever you devote yourself to will determine your destiny"-Acts 2:42 "Wherever the Holy Spirit is there is a harvest" -PD The Great Scattering (v.8-1-8) Saul's character exposed Fulfillment of Acts 1:8 in Samaria Philip's character = unhindered obedience Simon the Magician (v. 8:9-15) Many saved and batpized Simon the occult leader exposed Peter and John come (Unity and Samaritan Pentecost) Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch (v.26-40) Unhindered Obedience = first missionary to Africa! What kind of scatterer do you want to be?  Garden scatterer  from Mark 14:47-45  or a Philip scatterer from Acts 8:5, 26, 27, 29, 30, 40 Questions for You: What is your first step toward becoming a Philip Scatterer? Who will you tell about your commitment and who will help you?