Friends Church Sermons

The Acts of the Apostles: Wait for it!



Acts 1:1-11--This is what the church in America should look like. Recorded live on June 23, 2019 by Pastor Dan Cale. Pastor Dan takes from the book of Revelation to the book of Acts.  Wait for it! (v.1-5). Until the Holy spirit comes, our witness is worthless. You shall receive power (v. 6-8) Power for Boldness (Acts 4:31) Power for Conviction ( Acts 2:37) Power for Wisdom (Acts 6:10) Power for Effectiveness (Acts 11:23-24) Why do you stand looking into the sky? (v. 9-11) Scripture References: Luke 24:45-49 John 16:7-8 Acts 4:31 Acts 2:37 Acts 6:10 Acts 11:23-24 Matthew 21:28