Kierrepotku Podcast

Worldcon75 podcast about estrangement



Worldcon75 podcast about estrangement with Gary K. Wolfe and John Clute. Hosted by Jani Ylönen. Prominent science fiction critics and writers Gary K. Wolfe and John Clute discuss estrangement, the Academic Track's theme in Worldcon75. Weirdly enough discussion veers to New Weird as well. Gary K. Wolfe is science fiction editor, critic and biographer. He is also a co-host in the Hugo nominated weekly podcast on science fiction called The Coode Street Podcast. His works include Evaporating Genres: Essays on Fantastic Literature. John Clute is a science fiction and fantasy literature writer and critic. He was one of founders the English magazine Interzone. His works include the Hugo award winning The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (1979; second edition 1993) with Peter Nicholls, and The Encyclopedia of Fantasy (1997) with John Grant. The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction (SFE) is continually updated and is available at It won a 2012 Hugo. Following titles were mentioned during the discus