Bizwell Podcast

Talking with Dr. Sally Reis about creative work, taking risk, and eminent women



In this episode, we are talking with Dr. Sally Reis about creative work, taking risk, and eminent women. Sally Reis is the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, a Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor, and a Teaching Fellow in Educational Psychology at the University of Connecticut. She was a public-school teacher and administrator for 15 years, prior to her work at UConn. She has authored more than 250 articles, books, book chapters, monographs and technical reports. This is an amazing episode with Dr. Reis.   Subscribe and review in iTunes. Are you subscribed to the Bizwell Podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. Subscribe to the Bizwell Podcast on iTunes and Spotify!! Now if you are feeling extra loving, I would be really grateful if you left a review over on iTunes. Those reviews help other people find my podcast and they are also fun for me to read. Select “Ratings and Reviews” and “Write a Review” and let me know what your favorite part